Is Gambling Blocking Software the Answer to Addiction?

We’ve all heard the catch phrase that ‘when the fun stops, stop’ but how easy is it to stop gambling if you’re in the grips of an addiction? If you’ve stopped having fun and started to dread the compulsion to place just one more bet, then perhaps gambling blocking software could be the answer to your problem. If you are looking for a way to set yourself a gambling block (“hasartmängu keeld” in Estonian), then you will have to contact your casino to do so. In some countries, like Estonia you can block yourself from all the licensed casinos with just one click. If the concept sounds interesting then here’s everything you need to know about gambling block technology, and whether it could be the answer to gambling addiction:
How Does Gambling-Specific Blocking Technology Work?
In brief, blocking software comprises of either a computer programme or a mobile app that stops you looking at specific websites or services: in the case of gambling blocking technology, this software would target gambling websites. You can also utilise general blocking software and specifically input which websites you would like to be blocked from accessing; this works in much the same way that parental control technology does. A third and final option, if you are still finding that you are able to access gambling websites even with these blocks in place, is to contact your bank directly and ask if they can place a block on their end of the transaction to prevent you from completing gambling-related purchases. This is sometimes referred to as bank card blocking
If you have a gambling addiction then it may well be that gambling blocking software on its own isn’t enough to prevent you from accessing gambling websites: the Gamble Aware website suggests that a combination of gambling blocking software, general blocking technology and bank card blocking is the best approach to prevent problem gambling from spiraling out of control again.
Set a Budget
Gambling is a fun hobby, and one that is enjoyed by millions of people around the world on a daily basis. It isn’t gambling that is the problem here, but when individuals who have addictive personalities find that they don’t know when to stop. If this sounds familiar, then other strategies you might want to consider implementing are:
- Setting a budget for how much you can spend on your gambling hobby on a weekly or monthly basis. This budget is a hard limit, and one that you shouldn’t go over under any circumstances.
- If you need more stringent controls and support, you could also ask your internet service provider (ISP) to put a block on your account, preventing access to any website containing what is considered to be ‘adult’ content: this will include gambling websites.
- You can also unsubcribe from any gambling websites marketing (including texts and emails) so that, if your budget has run out, temptation isn’t being delivered to your inbox every day. Remember that you should always feel that you are the one in control of what you spend, and when.