Why Online Gambling Experienced Massive Growth Over The Last Year

There has been a perfect storm brewing that has turned online gambling into one of the most trending activities on the planet. It is so popular that it has created a whole new industry. The ingredients are many, and in this article, we will explore what has happened in the world around us to create the conditions that were necessary for this to happen. That’s correct, there are reasons why online gambling has virtually taken off in the past year. Here is a closer look at why that has taken place.
1 – New Technology
With bigger, better, faster internet connections, it has become much easier to do things online that were either impossible or took too long to do. In the past year, the widespread application of internet service to parts of the world that were underserved, or had no internet access has connected us to a whole new internet. It has also meant that services like online casinos that were once clunky and slow to operate are now slicker, faster, and more appealing. Just think about the last online slot game you played. Before you chose that particular slot machine you likely had a few hundred different games, themes, and graphic displays to choose from. Add to this the implementation of live dealer games and you know that none of this would have been possible without decent, upgraded technology.
2 – COVID-19 Restrictions
We are well over a year into the COVID-19 pandemic. Parts of the world are still coping with various types of restrictions and lockdowns. The most common of which has been based on the concept of social distancing. While these measures, combined with mandatory mask-wearing, hand sanitizing, and capacity levels, have carved a piece out of the gambling revenues for land-based casinos, it did the opposite for online gambling sites. With stay-at-home orders or self-isolation becoming more of a habit than anything else, it only made sense that those with the need to feed slot machines could still get their fix from their trusty internet connection. Plus, online casinos have made it easy for players to get that fix from the comfort of their living room couch.
3 – Guilty Pleasure
Yes, we know, not everyone is fond of letting others around them know that they have a hobby that revolves around gambling. It’s understandable that for some business professionals or individuals that come from families with different values, it may not be the best thing to spend time together inside a casino. Online gambling provides that source of entertainment in a private, one-on-one format that won’t be frowned upon by someone else in your presence. Also, with online gambling, you don’t have to wait until the land-based casino opens or leave when it closes as online gambling sites operate 24/7. Having trouble sleeping because you are thinking too much about that big project at work? Sign in to your gaming account and gamble yourself to sleep.
4 – Game Selection
Probably one of the most intriguing things about online gambling sites is the type and selection of games you can find. As it is dependant entirely on the software providers involved in any site, you can find hundreds of games ranging from traditional casino games to variations of games that have put an interesting, digital twist to the gameplay. Add to this the countless themes, graphics, and styles of play and you have a completely different world of gambling action laid out in front of you on whatever internet-enabled device will work at the site you are on. Play slots, poker, baccarat, craps, roulette, and many other different casino games online without the hassle of waiting for a machine to become available or a seat to open up. Plus, play games not available at land-based casinos.
5 – Better Online Security
If you are already doing your banking online, you will know that there is quite a process involved to get your access in order. The multiple steps required to verify your identity may seem a bit intrusive at times but are necessary to provide you safe access to your finances. The same type of online security is in place at the most reputable online gambling sites. They don’t want to be involved in fraudulent activities and risk losing their license to operate or receive hefty fines. What this boils down to is that with better internet security features, you can feel safe about gambling online and making deposits to or withdrawals from your online account and your bank account without fear. This has made online casinos very attractive to players.
6 – Fun and Excitement
We can’t forget to mention that one of the major magnets attracting people to online gambling is that it is far more interesting and exciting than your average video game experience. Sure, gamers have access to some great titles that utilize top-quality graphics and storylines. However, nothing is quite as much fun as hitting a jackpot after spinning the reels a few times while sitting at home alone or with family. Nothing truly compares to having the opportunity to win money by doing very little and playing games that generally require little skill (slots in particular). The perks and incentives offered by online gambling sites are what keeps them coming back and if online casinos were not designed to deliver fun and excitement, none of them would survive more than a few weeks.
The seemingly sudden explosion of online gambling did not occur overnight. There was the need for certain factors to align before things could take off in that industry. The combination of things includes new technology, COVID-19 restrictions, game selection, improved online security, the fun and excitement of online gambling, and the fact that it can be enjoyed privately all contribute to the success of online casinos. Will they continue to trend? As long as people seek convenient ways to do things like finding entertainment, online gambling sites will have a very long life span in today’s world.